Pro Pants
Love these pants. I’ve tried many work pants. These by far are the best for me. Will be buying more soon!
This is my first pair of Huxley pants, and it was incredible. At first feel of the material, it felt like carhart pants. After trying them on, they are the most comfortable pair of pants I’ve ever worn. Instead of having my tools on my belt pouch, getting to put them directly on my pants felt like a game changer in my line of work. Pockets felt great, and more than enough too. Cannot wait to order more!
My first time ordering these work pants. I was looking at them for months. I am (was) a diehard Carhartt double front work pants kinda guy. The Huxtley work pants are incredible comfortable and the pockets on both legs are great for markers, or pencils. It’s a nice thing to have reinforced pockets on both sides for tape measures too. It’s a little bit different at first with the stretching