Workforce Ambassador Program

Why apply to become an Huxtley Workwear Co. ambassador?
- No Startup Cost
- 25% up to 50% OFF personal orders!!!
- Discounts for anyone that uses your referral code
- Ambassador Reward Kit offered after 5 sales linked to your referral code
Be seen by a growing audience on socials!
- Be active on socials
- Be able to create content, show off our brand & products in your own style
- Having great communication skills is a plus
How to Apply?
Send us an email with the following informations:
(Use the form below or send to:
1: Your name/ age/ adress/ phone number
2: Description of what you do for a living
3: Please state why you're interested in being an Huxtley brand Ambassador
4: How do you plan to help us get discovered?
5: Which social media platform do you operate?
6: Your Social Handle(s) (@)
Big thanks!! We'll get back to you ASAP!